US travelers take over 450 million business trips every year. For those of you who are involved in that, you know it’s a lot of traveling and you’ll do anything to make it easier.

One of the most stressful things about traveling is getting from place to place. Often, you consider the flight itself and not what to do when you land. Chances are, the next point of your journey isn’t within walking distance!

While you could take a cab or rideshare services, here are all of the reasons to consider an airport limo service.

Luxury Car Service Detroit Mercedes S560

No Cab Lines

If there are a lot of flights landing at the same time — or one particularly busy flight — you might find that your business trip just got extended by an hour or more.

Cab lines can get very long and when there aren’t enough cabs to meet demand, that line can be very slow-moving.

Not only that, but it can also be freezing outside or too hot, making you very uncomfortable. If you’re heading straight to a meeting, that makes the situation even worse!

By getting a limo rental, you’re skipping those lines. You’ve booked your own specific car and driver, so there are never people ahead of you.

No Unexpected Price

Cab prices are dependent on traffic and the route the driver takes. One common taxi scam is taking a long route to charge you more money.

Even rideshare services can be unpredictable, as there are often surge charges from the airport.

When you contact your limo company, you’ll get a quote that stays the same regardless of the traffic. There’s no taking a different route to charge you more — the price you got is the one you’ll pay, allowing you to properly budget for this.

A Convenient Arranged Meeting Point

Another issue with rideshare and taxi services is actually finding the meeting point for them. Rideshare services often have a pick-up point fairly far from the gate, and taxi lines can be confusing to find.

One of the benefits of using a limo company is that they’ll meet you right where your luggage arrives on the carousel or a convenient spot nearby and take you to the car.

No more walking for miles in the wrong direction only to find out that you misread a sign, or an airport employee gave you wrong directions. These drivers know where they parked their car and will take you right to it.

If you have luggage, this is even better, as the last thing you want to do is drag a suitcase around after a long flight.

You’ll Be More Comfortable

One of the huge benefits of a limo is that you’ll simply be more comfortable.

Unless you’re flying first class, flights are not known for their comfort. You’re usually cramped in your seat, unable to sleep or get any rest.

Even if you are flying in a seat where you can stretch your legs and relax, flying is still uncomfortable. The pressure can cause bloating and if it’s a long flight, it’s hard to freshen up.

The last thing you want when you step off that flight is to end up more cramped still in the back of a car. A limo will allow you to stretch out and relax — even take a pre-meeting nap if you need to!

It feels absolutely invaluable when you’re actually in that comfortable seat.

You’ll Be Punctual

If you’re landing at your destination and have to immediately enter business meetings, there’s no guarantee of punctuality. Not only could the flight be late but even when it gets there, it could take ages to get a taxi or Uber.

If you were planning on taking public transport, this is even dicier, as there are so many things that could go wrong. Trains and buses could get canceled, or one could be late which leads to you missing the next one.

There are too many variables!

If you take a limo, you know the driver will be there waiting for you and you’ll go straight to the car. There are no detours or long routes, no cancellations — just you, leaving the airport and going straight to your destination.

Of course, they still have to contend with traffic, but it eliminates most obstacles.

It’s Safer

Simply put, traveling in a limo is safer than a taxi or uber.

Although taxi and uber drivers go through extensive background checks, nothing is guaranteed. There are still cases of people being in danger, and they’re also not as good at driving as those who have a very professional background with a limo company.

There’s also the possibility of a scam where someone pulls up pretending to be an Uber or Lyft to lure unsuspecting people into the vehicle.

When you arrive at the airport, this can’t happen with a limo rental. They’ll have your name ready to go and be aware that they’re expecting specifically you, so it’s easy to ensure you get the right driver.

Hiring an Airport Limo Service Is Best

Once you hire an airport limo service, you’ll never go back. From the guarantee of being on time to things to the comfort that will reduce your travel stress, it’s well worth the money — and often not as expensive as you imagined it was going to be.

Try it once if you’re unsure and watch how much it changes your business trips for the better.

For a trusted limo company in Detroit that can provide all of these advantages, contact us today for a quote.